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Tools and Info for Trading and Investing. Multiply your Wealth during the Inevitable FIAT Inflation.

Macro Indicators
Fundamental Under/Over Valuation

COT Charts
Smart Money Flows Insights

Trading Robots
One-Minute AlgoTrader
Seasonal Strategies
Calendar BIAS of Assets

Intraday Analytics
Intraday BIAS on main Markets

Big Database
3500+ Instruments

Free Exploration
Just create an Account
The Platform
Long Horizon Indicators
Monitor Under/Over Valuation of Assets and Global Liquidity. Get on Big Trends!

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Spy what Big Whales are doing, especially in extreme Areas of Net-Position.

Trading Robots
Get my 50 Best MT4 Trading Robots and Let your Money Work for You. Know more at

Seasonal Charts
Become Aware of Seasonal Anomalies in the Assets to have an extra-Weapon on Timing.

Intraday BIAS
Discover Intraday Statistics on main Markets and start creating your Short-term Trading Strategies.

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