Seasonal Anomalies pages

The list of the pages in 'Seasonal Strategies' section:

  • Customize Anomaly: starting from one Anomaly, it is possible to edit Stop-Loss, Take-Profit, and/or Trading costs, see results and save it as a new Anomaly
  • Optimize Anomaly: starting from one Anomaly, it is possible to search for the best combination of Stop Loss and Take Profit.
  • Portfolios: contains Portfolios, the containers of one or more Anomalies.
  • Compare Portfolios: to compare the performance and the backtest metrics of two or more Portfolios with the benchmark (S&P 500 index).
  • Portfolio Trading Calendar: allows to connect Telegram account to receive notifications when a new trade is opened or closed, and to see the trading calendar of the Portfolio.

Videos on YouTube

Seasonal Anomaly pages presentations and tutorials are available on YouTube

  • Link to the Video-Playlist in English
  • Link to the Video-Playlist in Italian
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