Tickers with COT data
CFTC publishes COT data for around 50 instruments, the most famous ones, the ones with relevant futures and options markets:
- (4) BONDS: 2y, 5y, 10y, 30y US Treasury Bonds
- (22) COMMODITIES: Copper, Crude Oil WTI, Feeder Cattle, Gasoline, Gold, Heating Oil, Lean Hogs, Live Cattle, Natural Gas, Oats, Palladium, Platinum, Silver, Cocoa, Coffee, Corn, Cotton, Soybean Meal, Soybean Oil, Soybeans, Sugar, Wheat
- (2) CRYPTO: Bitcoin, Ether
- (13) FOREX: Dollar Index, AudUsd, EurGbp, EurUsd, GbpUsd, NzdUsd, UsdBrl, UsdCad, UsdChf, UsdJpy, UsdMxn, UsdRub, UsdZar
- (6) STOCK INDICES: Dow Jones Industrial Average, Nasdaq 100, Russell 2000, S&P 500, Nikkei 225, VIX
- (4) US Sectors: S&P 500 Energy, S&P 500 Financials, S&P 500 Real Estate, S&P 500 Utilities